This study aimed to describe the marriage of young women in the Mataram Udik village
Bandar Mataram District Centre Lampung regency year 2012, with mainly focused of study
on the level of income, level of education, and views of life. This study used descriptive
research method, the object of this study was the head of the family that her daughter
married off at a young age. The data collectives through observation, interviews,
questionnaires and documentation. Data analyzes is using the percentage table as basic
interpretation and described as a research report. The results of this study show that: (1)
Income of the head of families who marry off their daughter at the young age was low
(≤ Rp 982.000,-) caused young age marriage. (2) The education level families who marry
off their daughter at a young age was low (SD dan SMP). (3) Views of life the head of
families who marry off their daughter at a young age are: (a) their daughter had little desire
to continued their school. (b) parents had opinion that through young age marriage so they
can decrease their daughters’ financial burden. (c) there was custom among people who
think that girls who not married yet until twenty called old maid.
Key words: early marriage, parents, income, education, view of life
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