This research was aimed to examine about the geographycal observation toward the existence of hearth industry and its sustainability in Rejosari village in 2015. This research used descriptive method with the population were about 12 industrialist. Data collecting technique used observation technique, structured interview, and documentation. Data analysis used tabulation and percentage as the basic interpretation and description in finishing the result of this research. The result of this research showed that: 1) All the industrialists needed the materials for a month was about 168 m3 of clay 2) All the industrialist said that it was not hard to recruite the employes. 3) The average of capital financial which was owned by all the industrialists was about Rp. 841.667. 4) Transportation needs of every entrepreneur always be fulfilled by means of renting. 5) Most of industrialists said that the process of production was fast enough. It was about 14,70% which had not been sold yet for each month.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang Tinjauan geografis terhadap keberadaaanindustri tungku dan keberlanjutannyadiDesa Rejosari tahun 2015.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, dengan populasi sebanyak 12 pengusaha.Pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara terstruktur dan dokumentasi.Analisis data dengan tabulasi dan persentase sebagai dasar interpretasi dan deskripsi dalam membuat laporan hasil penelitian.Hasil penelitian ini adalah 1) Semua pengusaha membutuhkan bahan baku rata-rata setiap bulannya sebanyak 168 M3 tanah liat. 2) Seluruh pengusaha menyatakan mudah untuk mendapatkan tenaga kerja. 3)Rata-rata modal awal yang dimiliki setiap pengusaha sebanyak Rp.841.667 4) Kebutuhan transportasi setiap pengusaha selalu terpenuhidengan cara menyewa.5) Sebagian besar pengusaha menyatakan lancar dalam proses produksi, hanya 14,70% yang belum bisa terjual setiap bulannya.
Kata kunci :tinjauan geografis, industri, kerajinan tungku
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960%2Fjpg.v3i4.10095
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