Istika Sandra Sari, I Dewa Putu N, Undang Rosidin


Through this classroom action research it is expected to be an alternative to increase the cognitive skill and the result of student’s physics learning. Before holding the research, an interview was done to student’s then the researcher used instruments which were already valid and reliable to know the metacognitive skill of student’s. After the research process, it was revealed that there was an increasing of the student’s metacognitive skill. They were in circle 1, 2 and 3 which categorized as “good”. In the cognitive aspect there was a significant increase and they are categorized “complete” in the psychomotor aspect, there was also an increase of the student’s learning achievement but it was not so significant. In the other hand, the affective aspect of student’s learning activity, there was also an increase.

Melalui penelitian tindakan kelas ini, diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan metakognisi dan hasil belajar fisika siswa. Sebelum penelitian, dilakukan wawancara terhadap siswa, kemudian ditinjaklanjuti dengan menggunakan instrumen yang telah valid dan reliabel untuk mengetahui keterampilan metakognisi siswa. Setelah proses penelitian diperoleh data peningkatan keterampilan metakognisi dan hasil belajar siswa setiap siklusnya, yaitu pada siklus I, II dan III dengan kategori “baik”. Pada aspek kognitif terjadi peningkatan yang sangat baik setiap siklusnya dengan kategori “tuntas”. Pada aspek psikomotor hasil belajar siswa juga menunjukkan adanya peningkatan meskipun tidak signifikan. Sedangkan pada hasil belajar aspek afektif juga terjadi peningkatan.

Kata kunci: metacognitive skill, ongoing assessment, penelitian tindakan kelas.

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