The Effect of Using Project Base Learning (PjBL) Models on Students' Creative Thinking Skills in Solar System Materials
This study aims to determine the achievement and improvement of the abilities gained by students with project-based learning models (PjBL). The method used in this study is a pre-experimental method with research design one group pretest-posttest. This study uses one class. The population of this study was all students of class VII A with a total of 36 students. The study instrument used was a test of creative thinking skills and non-test abilities consisting of creativity, presentation and percentage, and the implementation of the learning model. The result of this study obtained by paired t-test showed that there is a possibility of using the PjBL model to the creative thinking skills with a significance value of 0.000. These results indicate that PjBL affects creative thinking skills. In addition, the improvement of creativity based on the test of creative thinking skills has a value of 0.56 (56%) with medium category, the average value of innovative products is 85.71% with outstanding classes, and the performance & percentage are 73 with good classes.
Keywords: creative thinking skills, project-based learning (PjBL), solar system materials
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Copyright of the article is reserved by the author(s). Published by the Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lampung in Collaboration with the Physical Society of Indonesia (since 2019). This article is an open-access article under the Creative Commons non-commercial-share-alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.