Eka Prastia, I Dewa Putu Nyeneng, Agus Suyatna


A module is a lesson material presented systematically with understandable
language for students according to their ability and knowledge levels, so that the
students will be able to learn autonomously with or without teacher assistances.
However, there is no module in State Junior High School 20 in Bandar Lampung
that is in accordance with grade-based curriculum (or KTSP) 2006. Therefore, a
module that is able to improve student’s autonomous learning is required to
develop. The learning media development design of printed-based physic module
(or MFBC) is adapted from instructional media development process by Sadiman
(2008) as the reference that consists of need analysis of development program,
development design, product development, and product evaluation, product
testing and product printing. This evaluation consists of formative evaluation I,
formative evaluation II, formative evaluation III. In material test by experts, the
score was 2,8 and this belonged to good category. The second evaluation, the
design test by experts, the score was 2,9. This score belonged to good category
and was in accordance with BSNP standard. The third evaluation was on-on-one
test that was conducted to three students from different classrooms (classroom
VIID, VIIE and VIIG) and the score was 3,63. It belonged to good category. The last
test was field test to find out the effectiveness and attractiveness of the module.
Field test was conducted to 36 students in VIIE classroom in State Junior High
School 20 in Bandar Lampung. The effectiveness test result showed 77,7%
student accomplished the material and they got average marks of 74,07, and it
was above the minimum criteria of accomplishment (or KKM). Attractiveness,
easiness, and benefit tests were conducted to students who experienced learning
using developed module by giving them questionnaires. The results showed that
the developed module was very interesting, very easy and very beneficial.
Keywords: development research, learning media, printed-based media, module


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