Anjar Septiani, Undang Rosidin, Agus Suyatna


The research aim to determine the effect of: 1) interest in learning outcomes through interactive learning conceptual instruction; 2) learning way in learning outcomes through interactive learning conceptual instruction. The research was conducted at SMPN 2 Bukit Kemuning used the experimental class (class VIII C) with sample are 32 students. The process of learning used interactive conceptual instruction learning. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0. The test results showed that: 1) there is an effect of interest in learning outcomes with interactive learning conceptual instruction as much 22%; 2) there is an effect of learning way in learning outcomes through interactive conceptual instruction as much 12%.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh: 1) minat terhadap hasil belajar melalui pembelajaran interactive conceptual instruction; 2) cara belajar terhadap hasil belajar melalui pembelajaran interactive conceptual instruction. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMPN 2 Bukit Kemuning menggunakan satu kelas eksperimen (kelas VIII C) dengan jumlah sampel 32 siswa. Proses pembelajaran menggunakan pembelajaran interactive conceptual instruction. Analisis data menggunakan SPSS 17.0. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa: 1) ada pengaruh minat terhadap hasil belajar dengan pembelajaran interactive conceptual instruction sebesar 22%; 2) ada pengaruh cara belajar terhadap hasil belajar melalui pembelajaran interactive conceptual instruction sebesar 12%.

Kata kunci: minat, cara belajar, hasil belajar

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