Puji Rahayu, Alben Ambarita, Irawan Suntoro


The focus of this research was the role of the Principal in academic supervision to develop teachers professionalism. This research were aimed to describe: 1) Teachers competence, 2) academic supervision planning, 3) the academic supervision process, 4) The academic supervision evaluation, and 5) teachers response. This research was a qualitative research with a case study planning. The result of the research were: 1) Supervision program was considered very important based on the needs of the teachers, 2) the principal has been able to do the school program. The supervision was done based on the needs. 3) the supervisor had a responsibility to evaluate the process so they can find the weakness, 4) the effect of the supervision in Budaya Junior High School can change the teachers paradigm toward the meaning of a supervision at school.

Fokus penelitian ini adalah peran Kepala Sekolah dalam supervisi akademik untuk mengembangkan profesionalisme guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) kompetensi guru, 2) perencanaan supervisi akademik, 3) proses supervisi akademik, 4) Evaluasi Pengawasan akademik, dan 5) respon guru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan perencanaan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) Program Pengawasan dianggap sangat penting berdasarkan kebutuhan guru, 2) kepala sekolah mampu melakukan program sekolah. Pengawasan ini dilakukan berdasarkan kebutuhan. 3) supervisor memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengevaluasi proses sehingga mereka dapat menemukan kelemahan, 4) pengaruh pengawasan di Budaya SMP dapat mengubah paradigma guru terhadap arti pengawasan di sekolah.

Kata kunci: kepala sekolah, profesionalisme guru, supervisi akademik

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