Journal of Music Education and Performing Arts (JMEPA), was first published in 2021. JMEPA is a FREE and open access journal published and managed by the FKIP Music Education Study Program, University of Lampung. The journal is published 2 times a year, which is in April and October. JMEPA accepts quality articles in the areas of art in general, performing arts, and music education. includes articles reporting the results of quantitative or qualitative research studies.
Publishes conceptually relevant articles to advance music practice and learning, presents music theory, models, or philosophical positions, etc. Articles may refer to theory / or material developed in educational practice that identifies and discusses a variety of pedagogical approaches that attract members from different countries and teaching environments, including art activities and materials to help internationalize the arts curriculum.
The journal team seeks to improve the system, strive to publish articles in an article, and collaborate with various parties from within and outside agencies, and abroad. Currently, JMEPA has indexed Google Scholar.