Praktik Manajemen Waktu Mahasiswa Tahun Kedua

Ridho Lillahi, Zulkarnain Zulkarnain


A person's time management can determine their behavior and life. Time management is not about how much time one has but how one manages their time to make it useful. This research starts with a general theoretical framework on time, its perception and management. This research aims to analyze how university students perceive and use their time, and also aims to explore awareness about time management in the aspects of short-range planning, long-range planning, and time attitudes. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach. The research subjects were second-year students of Institut Manajemen Wiyata Indonesia. Researchers used the Time Management Questionnaire (TMQ) instrument. Data analysis was carried out with a percentage score of the ideal. The results showed that students have realized the value of time, they set and valued priorities, and they were aware that they were responsible for the time they had. The study also found that the behavior of procrastinating the completion or collection of tasks waiting for the deadline still occurs. Students are advised to make a habit of setting goals and making a list of things to do every day, because that is the spirit of time management.


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