activity in social science learning of students in class VIII at SMP N 1 Batang
Hari East Lampung. The objectives of this research are; students’ social science
learning results differences between students who use NHT cooperative learning
model and those who use Jigsaw cooperative learning model without considering
their forms of test (multiple choice and essay). This research uses experiment
method. Samples were taken using Cluster Random Sampling. Data were
analyzed using t-test and Two-Way Variant Analysis test.
The results showed: (1) there was a mean difference of social science learning
outcomes between students who use cooperative learning model NHT type with
students who use cooperative learning model Jigsaw; (2) there was a mean
difference of social science learning outcomes between students who tested by
using a form of multiple choice questions, and students who tested by using a form
of essay questions; (3) there is no interaction between learning model with the
form of test; (4) The average of social science students learning outcomes learned
by using cooperative learning model NHT type more high than learned by using
cooperative learning model Jigsaw type if learning outcomes measured by using
multiple choice questions; (5) The average of social science students learning
outcomes learned by using cooperative learning model NHT type more high than
learned by using cooperative learning model Jigsaw type if learning outcomes
measured by using essay questions; (6) The average of social science students
learning outcomes tested by using a form of multiple choice questions more high
than tested by using a form of essay questions on cooperative learning model
NHT type; (7) The average of social science students learning outcomes tested by
using a form of multiple choice questions more high than tested by using a form of
essay questions on cooperative learning model Jigsaw type
Keywords: learning outcomes, NHT learning, jigsaw learning, form of test.
Full Text:
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