Ela Yunistia, Yon Rizal, Nurdin Nurdin


This study aimed to determine the relationship between the use of learning tools in school and student motivation and academic achievement of Introduction to Accounting Student Class XI IPS 2in SMAN1 Natar academic year 2014/2015. The method used was a correlational study with ex post facto approach and surveys. The study population was all students of class XI IPS 2with the number of students were 41 students.The first and second hypothesis testing were using Product Moment Correlation,while the third hypothesis was using Multiple Correlation. The results showed : (1) There is a positive relationship between the use of a learning tools in schools and academic achievement introductory of accounting (2) There is a positive relationship between learning motivation and learning achievement in introductory accounting, and (3) There is a positive relationship between the use of a learning tool in schools and learning motivation and academic achievement of introductory accounting.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pemanfaatan sarana belajar di sekolah dan motivasi belajar siswa dengan prestasi belajar Pengantar Akuntansi Siswa Kelas XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Natar Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian korelasional dengan pendekatan ex post facto dan survei. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPS 2 dengan jumlah siswa 41 siswa. Pengujian hipotesis pertama dan kedua menggunakan Korelasi Product Moment, sedangkan hipotesis ketiga menggunakan Korelasi Multiple.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : (1) Ada hubungan yang positif antara pemanfaatan sarana belajar di sekolah dengan prestasi belajar pengantar akuntansi (2) Ada hubungan yang positif antara motivasi belajar dengan prestasi belajar pengantar akuntansi, dan (3) Ada hubungan yang positif antara pemanfaatan sarana belajar di sekolah dan motivasi belajar dengan prestasi belajar pengantar akuntansi.

Kata kunci: sarana belajar, motivasi, prestasi belajar

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