Muharsyam Dwi Anantama, Muhamad Fajar Novala


The negotiating text is a text that addresses the problem resolution by negotiation. In a negotiation, it is necessary to use polite language in its application to avoid misunderstandings which result in a person being depressed, proficient, and offended. Therefore, this study aims to describe the form of compliance with the politeness principle of language in negotiating texts written by students of class X at Ta'allumul Huda Bumiayu Islamic High School. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study with data in the form of descriptions of words or sentences. This research was conducted at Ta'allumul Huda Bumiayu Islamic High School in class X students. The data in this study were in the form of words or sentences in the negotiating texts written by students. The source of data in this research is the negotiation text written by students. Data collection techniques using reading techniques. Data analysis techniques using content analysis techniques. The validity of the data in this study uses the theory triangulation technique. The results of this study found negotiating texts written by students containing politeness in language because researchers found more utterances or sentences that obeyed the politeness principle of language rather than speeches or sentences that violated the principle of politeness in language. The principle of politeness politeness found in this research is maxim of wisdom, maxim of generosity, maxim of appreciation, maxim of simplicity, maxim of consensus, and maxim of sympathy.

Keywords: politeness of language, text of negotiation, politeness principle.

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