Turina Turina, Giyono Giyono, Ranni Rahmayanthi


The aim of this study was to know whether assertive training tehcnique could increase the students confidence in grade VII SMP N 29 Bandar Lampung. This study of was a quasi eksperimental research, with kind of one group pretest-posttest design. It was stastiscally analyzed by using non-parametric Wilcoxon test. The subjects of this study were 7 students from class VII who had low confidence. The researcher collected the data by using confidence questionnare. The results in research showed that the assertive training technique could increase the confidence of students, it was proved by the result of data analysis of pretest and posttest obtained that z table 0,05= 2 and z output= -2,371. Because z output ? z table, then Ha was received, it meant that there were significant increase between the confidence before and after assertive training technique.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah assertive training dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri pada siswa kelas VII SMP N 29 Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimen semu dengan jenis desain one group pretest-posttest. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan statistik non-parametrik menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Subyek penelitian ini tujuh orang siswa kelas VII yang memiliki rasa percaya diri rendah. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket rasa percaya diri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tekhnik assertive training dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri siswa, terbukti dari hasil analisis data pretest dan posttest diperoleh Z hitung = -2,371 dan Z table 0,05 = 2. Karena Z hitung ? Z tabel,maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya terdapat perbedaan rasa percaya diri yang signifikan antara sebelum dan setelah diberikan assertive training.

Kata kunci : tekhnik assertive training, percaya diri, bimbingan dan konseling.

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