A Comparative Study between Handwritten and Computer Text Essays on Raters' Scores

Mei Dianita, Patuan Raja, Ramlan Ginting Suka


This study aims at finding out the effect on essays presented as handwritten and as computer printed text on raters' scores and whether the length of the essays influences the scoring. Twenty one (21) sample essays were randomly selected and produced by students of English Study Program of Lampung University. The essays were presented in three different formats: handwritten, computer text in single space, and computer text in double space. This research applied one shot case study design and the data were analyzed using one way ANOVA. The result revealed that handwritten essays received higher scores than those in computer printed texts. The F-value was 5.5 while the F-table was 5.05 and the p value was 0.006. It revealed that there was statistically different mean on raters scores. It is suggested that the future researchers to analyze the causes of presentation effect on raters scores and to apply the more valid strategies to reduce the presentation effect.

Keywords: assessment, essays, handwritten, computer text, mode of presentation, raters

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