Irmaya Nurrohmah, Ujang Suparman, Muhammad Sukirlan


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menginvestigasi apakah ada perbedaan pemahaman siswa yang diajar menggunakan teks literary dan non-literary melalui pendekatan membaca critis. (2) menemukan teks manakah yang paling effektif untuk memahami bacaan. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, peneliti menggunakan studi kuantitatif. Dua kelas dijadikan sampel, yaitu kelas experimen satu menggunakan teks literary dan kelas experimen dua menggunakan teks non-literary. Terdapat dua instrument, yaitu tes reading dan interview. Hasil dari analisis data menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat pemahaman siswa yang diajar menggunakan teks literary dan non-literary melalui pendekatan membaca kritis. kemudian, teks literary lebih effektif dari non-literary untuk memahami bacaan. Hasil tes hipotesis menunjukan bahwa T-hitung lebih tinggi dari T-tabel (4.402 > 2.002). Jadi disimpulkan bahwa H0 ditolak dan menunjukan bahwa teks literary lebih baik dari non-literary untuk meningkatkan membaca kritis siswa.

This study aimed at (1) investigating whether there is a significant difference between the students reading comprehension achievement using literary text and non-literary text through critical reading approach. (2) finding which of the two materials that is more effective in reading comprehension. To achieve this goal, the researcher carried out quantitative study. Two classes have been taken: experimental class one using literary text and experimental class two using non-literary text. There were two instruments used in this research: reading test and interview. The results of data analysis showed there was a significant difference of between the students reading achievement taught by literary text and those taught by non-literary text through critical reading approach. Then, literary text was more effective than non-literary text. Hypothesis test showed that T-value was higher than T-table (4.402 > 2,002). It can be concluded null-hypothesis is rejected. It can be inferred that literary text is better than non-literary text for encouraging students critical reading.

Keywords: critical reading approach, literary text, non-literary text, reading comprehension.

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