Bagus Alghani, Ujang Suparman, Ari Nurweni


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi: validitas, keandalan, tingkat kesulitan, daya beda, kualitas pilihan di SMA Negeri 1 Purbolinggo di tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Peneliti meneliti ujian akhir semester yang berjumlah 35 soal. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa validitas konstruknya valid, validitas isinya valid, dan validitas mukanya tidak valid. Keandalan (alpha) adalah 0.448. Tingkat kesulitan terdiri dari 11 item (30%) diterima, 10 item (30%) perlu diperbaiki, 14 item (40%) perlu dibuang. Daya beda terdiri dari 11 item (31.4%) diterima, 18 item (51.5%) perlu dibuang, dan 6 item (17.1%) perlu dicek. Kualitas pilihan adalah 26 pilihan (15%) diterima, 89 pilihan (85%) perlu diperbaiki dan perlu dibuang. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kualitas soal tersebut sedang.

The objectives of this research are to identify: the validity, the reliability, the level of difficulty, the discriminating power, the quality of the alternatives, of the final semester test at the second year of SMA Negeri 1 Purbolinggo in 2013/2014 academic year. The researcher investigated the final semester test consisting of 35 items. It was found that that the construct validity is valid, the content validity is valid, but the face validity is not valid. The reliability is 0.448. The level of difficulty consists of 11 items (30%) acceptable, 10 items (30%) need revising, and 14 items (40%) need dropping. The discriminating power consists of 11 items (31.4%) acceptable, 18 items (51.5%) need revising, and 6 items (17.1%) need dropping. The quality of the alternatives is 26 options (15%) acceptable, 89 options (85%) need revising and need dropping. It shows that the quality of the test is moderate.

Keywords: quality of the alternatives, reliability, validity

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