A Comparative Study in Teaching Pronunciation Between English Song and Poetry

Aryani Meisa, Hartati Hasan, Rosita Simbolon


There are two objectives of this research; (1) to know whether there is significant difference of students’ pronunciation achievement between taught through English song and through poetry (2) to see which one of the techniques is more effective for teaching pronunciation. This research was conducted at the first year of SMP Xaverius Kotabumi, VII A as an experimental class and VII B as a control class. This was quantitative research. Firstly it is found that the means of the posttest in Experimental Class was 72.75 and the mean of posttest in Control Class is 69.87 with the mean difference is 2.88 and p is lower than 0.05 (0.023<0.05). It indicated that we should reject Ho and accept H1 because there is a significant difference of pronunciation achievement between students taught through English song and poetry. Secondly, the highest score of pretest in experimental class is 72.50 and the highest posttest is 82.50, and the gain is 10.00. Compared with the result in control class, the highest score of pretest is 75 and the posttest is 81.00, and the gain is 6.00. It can be concluded that English song technique is more effective in teaching pronunciation than poetry.
: English song, poetry, pronunciation achievement

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