Ayu Pratami Putri, Cucu Sutarsyah, Budi Kadaryanto


The objectives of the research are to find out whether there is significant difference in the improvement of students reading comprehension achievement of English narrative text between students taught through graphic organizer and taught through literal translationand to find out which one is more effective technique. The research was conducted at SMAN 1 Natar especially the first grade. To gain the objective of the research, the researcher conducted quantitative design with pre-test posttest experimental group design. The test result showed that the mean of posttest in the experimental group one was 79.8and the mean of the posttest in the experimental class two was 72, probability level (p) was 0.000. The experimental class two gained the lower average score in posttest than experimental class one. The mean difference was 7.87. It was lower than 0.05. It means that H1was accepted and H0 was rejected since 0.00<0.05. It proves that the treatments given by the researcher had better effect of the students’ achievement. Based on the data, the researcher concludes that the application of graphic organizer improves students’ reading comprehension achievement of narrative text.

Keywords: comparative, graphic organizer,literal translation,reading achievement.

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