Rizky Bunga Listari, Bambang Setiyadi, Budi Kadaryanto


The objectives of this research are to find whether there is any significant correlation between metacognitive learning strategies and students’ reading comprehension and to find out how frequent students have applied each metacognitive learning strategies in their learning reading. This research was conducted at the first grade of SMA Negeri 7 Bandar Lampung. This is a quantitative co-relation study that focused on the product (result of the test). The result showed that the students used arranging and evaluating more frequently than centering and planning strategies. The mean score of arranging and evaluating are 4.88 and 3.48 which mean these strategies are frequently used. The calculation showed that the coefficient correlation (r) was 0.924 which mean that there is high correlation between metacognitive learning strategies and students’ reading comprehension. It indicates that the teachers need to introduce to the learners about metacognitive learning strategies to succeed in reading.


Keywords: Reading comprehension, arranging, evaluating, centering, planning, metacognitive learning strategies.

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