Eva Rachmania, Ujang Suparman, Basturi Hasan




The major objective of this research was to find out whether or not scanning technique could be used to develop students’ reading comprehension achievement significantly. The students were given four treatments. As the instrument of the research, reading test comprising of multiple choice test that were administered in both pretest and posttest.

The data was computed using SPSS version 15.0 at the level significant .05. According to the calculation of t-test, the result shows that there is significant increase on students’ reading comprehension after being taught through scanning technique (p<.05, p=.000) which can be seen from the mean score of pretest 46.27 and that of post test 66.67 with the increase 20.40. It indicates that scanning technique is effective to increase the students’ reading comprehension achievement.


In conclusion, the students’ reading skill especially in identifying the specific information increases through scanning technique as the technique in teaching reading comprehension. Besides, the students in the class seemed to be more active and more attentive in the process of teaching learning by using scanning technique.



Keywords: identifying specific information, one group pretest posttest design, scanning technique,

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