Karlina Karlina, Hery Yufrizal, Hartati Hasan


The objective of this research is to analyze the process, the components of drama, and the impression of the students toward the implementing of drama in English classroom. This research was a descriptive qualitative which focused on the process of implementing drama in the English classroom. It concerned with an instruction of drama technique that was implemented to create interesting activity in the classroom. The research used observation and audiovisual recording in order to know how drama was implemented in English class. From the questionnaire, the writer knew the impression of the students toward the implementing drama in English class. The sample of the research was class IX.1 consisting of 32 students. The result shows that the process of drama is doing well. From the elements of drama make students to deliver the message from the text to the audience well and from the components of drama can develop creative thinking, increases self confidence, active, and enjoying activities in the class. Another results shows that the impression of students are; they enjoy the subject. It has seen from result of questionnaire. The researcher suggests that the teacher must use drama technique in teaching English in classroom and uses the elements and components of drama.


Keywords:drama, elements drama, components drama

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