Poetry is one of materials for teaching pronunciation to help the students topronounce the words better. The process of teaching pronunciation by using poetry
technique is also helpful to improve the students’ pronunciation. For that reason, this
research is intended to (1) find out the improvement of students’ pronunciation after
being taught through poetry reading, and (2) find out the students’ problems in
learning pronunciation through poetry.
This quantitative research is conducted at SMP N 8 Bandar Lampung. The subject
was class II D which consisted of 30 students. The data were collected through: try
out tests, pretests and posttests. After getting the means of pretests and posttests the
researcher compared both means.
The students’ scores on pronunciation shows the expected improvement. T1 is 55.66,
T2 is 56.13, T3 is 57.46, T4 is 59.36. For example the increase of T3 result is 1.8 after
comparing both result of T1 and T3.
Reading Poem Practice, Quantitative, and Pronunciation.Full Text:
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