The objective of this research is to find out whether there is anysignificant difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement between
the students who are taught through NHT technique and those through PR
technique. The research was conducted at SMAN 1 Seputih Raman, Lampung
Tengah. Two classes were taken as the sample of the research; class XI IPA 4 and
class XI IPS 4. Pretest-posttest control group design was applied in this research.
The result in both experimental classes showed that there was a significant
increase of students’ reading comprehension achievement after they were taught
through NHT technique and PR technique (p<0.05; p= .000). The data analysis
showed that the mean score in the experimental class increased from 61.48 into
73.81. Meanwhile, the mean score in the control class increased from 58.50 into
66.92. It can be concluded that NHT technique is more effective to help the
students improve their reading ability than PR technique is. Thus, it suggests that
the English teacher should apply a technique especially NHT technique in
teaching reading comprehension as one of alternative techniques.
: Reading comprehension achievement, Numbered Heads Together(NHT) technique, Predictive Reading (PR) technique.
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