This research was intended to find out whether there was a significantdifference of vocabulary achievement of students before and after being taught
through backward spelling quiz. One group pretest-posttest, pre-experimental design
was applied. The subject of the research was the grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 1
Bumi Nabung Lampung Tengah in the year 2011/2012. Vocabulary test in the form of
multiple choices was used as the instrument of the research and repeated measures ttest
was accomplished to analyz the data.
The results show that the students taught through backward spelling quiz seemed to
be more enjoyable and interested in learning vocabulary since the students could
provide a good response during teaching learning process. The teaching learning
process challenged and involved all students in the game. It can be seen from the
increase of the students’ mean score. The students’ mean score of the pretest was
57.19 while the mean score of the posttest was 79.30. After comparing the result of
the pretest and the posttest scores, it was found that there was a significant difference,
the mean score of the students increased 22.10 after the treatments. The total number
of items of the students’ correct answer for the three aspects (noun, verb, adjective) in
the pretest was 570 while on the posttest was 874, and the increase was 304.
Based on the data analysis the significant level acceptedproposed in this research was
of 0.05, it was noted that p=0.000. It proves that the students’ scores were
significantly different (p<0.05, p=0.000) and the students’ active learning was better.
So the hypothesis (H) proposed in this research was accepted. Having conducted the
observation, it was found that this game help teacher to create could good atmosphere
in the classroom. It was proven since 91% students responded lesson enthusiastically,
91% worked cooperatively and 96% were able to create their own sentences by using
vocabulary they had just learnt.
Key Words: backward spelling, increasing, vocabulary achievement
Full Text:
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