The objective of this research is to found out whether Peer Correction can give positive influence in students’ descriptive text writing. This quantitative research was conducted at SMK Negeri 2 Metro. The research took place in class XAC-1 which consists of 26 students. The instruments used to gather the data were writing test (pre test and post test). The writer conducted pre test before treatments and post test after the treatment.
The result of the research shows that the average of the pre test was 57.50. The students have limited vocabulary, they were not able to make simple present tense perfectly, and several students were not able to make a sentence understandable. After the treatment, the average score of the post test was 83.26. By analyzing the average score of pre test and post test, it was found that the increase was 25.76.
Based on the finding above, it can be concluded that peer correction can give positive influence in students’ descriptive writing. It can be seen from the average scores of pre-test 57.50 and post test 83.26.
Writing, Descriptive text, Peer CorrectionFull Text:
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