Dito Setiyawan, Bambang Setiyadi, Sudirman Sudirman


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efektivitas mengajar pemahaman mendengar melalui lagu berbahasa inggris dan menemukan masalah yang dihadapi siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan one-grup-pretest-posttest desain. Sample penelitian ini adalah kelas XI. Data diambil melalui pre test, post test, perlakuan dan iterviu. Hasil menunjukan rata-rata nilai mean siswa dari post-test 65.3. lebih tinggi dari pretest 53.6, dengan peningkatan sebesar 10.5. Hasil t-test menunjukan signifikan p<05, p=,000. Disamping itu, masalah yang dihadapi siswa yaitu: konsentrasi, memahami kata/frase, membedakan pola kalimat, penanda wacana, kecepatan berbicara dan panjangnya lagu. Namun, setelah berlatih, siswa secara bertahap mulai dapat memahami materi dan mampu mengatasi masalah. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa: lagu berbahasa inggris dapat meningkatkan pemaham mendengar siswa dan mampu mengatasi masalah yang siswa hadapi selama belajar.


This aim of this research was to find out whether there is significant improvement of students’ listening ability and to find out the problems faced by the students. This research used one-grup-pretest-posttest design. The sample was eleventh grade. The data were taken by pretest, posttest and interview. The result showed that students’ mean score of posttest was 65.3. that was higher than pretest 53.6. with the gain 10.5. The test revealed that the result was significant p<05, p=,000. Besides that, the problems faced in learning were students’ low concentration, understanding the difficult words/phrases, distinguishing sentence pattern and discourse marker, unable keeping up with the speaker’s speed and song materials were long. However, after practicing dialogues frequently, the students started comprehending the materials were able to overcome those problems. Therefore, it could be concluded that: English songs could improve the students’ listening comprehension better and overcome the problems the students faced during treatment.

Keywords: listening ability, productive skill, receptive skill

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