Google spreadsheet in designed activities for learning English for Polytechnic students

Ani Novitasari, Ali Murtopo, Gita Hilmi Prakoso, Helidatasa Utami


Using communication technology and internet is common activity for today’s teaching and learning, included in English subject for polytechnic students. Google Spreadsheet is one of the communication technology with internet medium that can be used in designed activities to learn English. This study aimed to know students’ perception towards the use of Google Spreadsheet in designed activities for learning English for polytechnic students at Politeknik Negeri Lampung. Furthermore, this research used descriptive qualitative design. There were 137 samples of the research. They were students who took Basic English in their first year in academic year of 2023/2024. The students were taught by using Google Spreadsheet and given online questionnaire with 15 closed-ended questions and an open-ended question. The result showed that 91.3% students had positive perception towards the use of Google Spreadsheet in designed activities to learn English. Students could feel more-interestingly- different ways in learning English, for instance they could understand the materials easily, make sentences easily based on the examples, learn the vocabulary based on the context given, be more confident, look and check each other’s answers among students, and access the task using Google Spreadsheet everywhere and ever time. However, there were some notes from the students such as less interesting appearance and answers that could be easily changed or cheated by other students. Thus, Google Spreadsheet is a beneficial choice medium in teaching and learning English with designed activities even though there are some notes to consider.

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