The correlation between students’ reading habit and students’ writing ability in narrative text

Eka Apriyani, Lilis Sholihah, Khairun Nisa


This research were aimed to find out whether there was any positive correlation between students’ reading habit and students’ writing ability. This research used quantitative approach and the design was ex-post facto design, so there was no treatment in this research. The population in this study was the first grade students of SMA Swadhipa Natar, 37 students of X IPA 4 were taken as the samples through the use of cluster random sampling. To obtain the data, researcher used reading habit questionnaire and writing test in narrative text as the instruments. Moreover, the data were analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation in SPSS 26 version. The result of the data analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between students’ reading habit and students’ writing ability since the r-value (0.554) was higher than r-table (0.316). This indicated  that  the  more  students read, the higher writing ability she or he gets.

Keywords: correlation, reading habit, writing ability.

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