Improving students' vocabulary mastery using rotating trio exchange model at the tenth grade of vocational high school

Tanti Aprelia Wulandari, Endang Komariah, Dian Shafwati


The objectives of this research are to find out whether there was significant difference on students' vocabulary mastery after being taught using the Rotating Trio Exchange model, to find out what aspects of vocabulary improve the most after students are taught using the Rotating Trio Exchange (RTE) model, and to find out students' responses after being taught using this model. This research was designed as mixed method research and it was conducted at SMK Amal Bakti Jatimulyo. The subjects of the research were 30 students from the tenth grade of Accounting. The data were collected through vocabulary test and closed-ended questionnaire. After that, the researcher used mixed method analysis to analyze the data. The results showed that there is significant difference on students' vocabulary mastery after being taught using the Rotating Trio Exchange model. The students' mean score improved by 14.75 from pretest to posttest. Through hypothesis testing, it shown that the result of computation of the value of two tailed significance was 0.000<0.005, it means that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. In addition, there was also an improvement in four vocabulary aspects on the posttest: nouns (2.21, 14.99%), verbs (4.06, 27.52%), adjectives (4.42, 29.97%), and adverbs (4.06, 27.52%) and adjectives became the most improved aspect. The results also showed that the majority of students give positive response to this model. There is 91% of positive responses and 9% of negative responses in using this model. This suggest that RTE model has a positive effect on students’ vocabulary mastery.

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