The use of English short story to enrich students’ vocabulary achievement at third grade students in SMPN 7 Metro

Feby Annisa Zunnurain, Dian Shafwati, Fajar Riyantika


This research was about short story to enrich students’ vocabulary achievement in third grade of SMPN 7 Metro. The statement of problem are: 1. Is short story effective to enrich students’ vocabulary achievement? 2. Which aspect of vocabulary improves the most after the implementation of short story? The objective of the research are to see whether the use of short story is effective to enrich students’ vocabulary achievement and to see which aspect of vocabulary improves the most after the implementation of short story. The sample of this research was class of III D in SMPN 7 Metro. The instrument of this research is test (pre and post test). The result of the study demonstrated a significant improvement in vocabulary achievement following the use of short story in the classroom. The mean result of pre-test is 53.28 while the mean result of post-test is 63.28. For the aspect of vocabulary that most improve after the implementation of short story is meaning with experienced the highest increase with an increase in score of 3.75. Based on the result of study, it can be concluded that short story is effective to enrich students’ vocabulary achievement.

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