TESL pre-service teachers’ perceptions on the use of Jazz chants in primary ESL classroom

Nur Hidayah Abdullah, Kee Li Li


Learning vocabulary is an essential aspect of mastering English language. In Malaysia, English as a second language (ESL) learners often struggle with memorizing vocabulary, which hinders their language acquisition. Since vocabulary grasp is a pre-requisite for language learning, Jazz chants can be an effective tool for ESL learners to learn vocabulary in the target language. This study used a survey approach to investigate the TESL pre-service teachers’ perceptions on the use of Jazz chants in primary ESL classrooms. A total of 203 TESL pre-service teachers from five Institutes of Teacher Education (ITEs) participated in the study, responding to a questionnaire on the use of Jazz chants to enhance vocabulary learning. The findings indicated that the majority of respondents provided positive feedback and had knowledge of Jazz chants, and they utilized it frequently in teaching vocabulary. Additionally, the researcher found out that there is a weak positive correlation between these two attributes.

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