An analysis of students discipline problems at English education study program of UNPARI

Dafa Alya Nabilla, Devitania Devitania, Fadhilah Zahrani, Intan Sapitrih, Rati Ningsi, Widia Widia


This study aims to explain i) the students’ discipline problems in the classroom at English education study program ii) the factors of students’ discipline problems in the classroom at English education study program iii) the best solution for students’ discipline problems in the classroom at English education study program. This study was conducted at PGRI Silampari University. The subjects of the research were 30 students from the first semester and third semester as a sample, and the approach of the research was qualitative descriptive. The researchers used interviews to collect the data and analysed using an observation checklist. The interview script became the primary source for interpreting and analyzing data. After analyzing the data, the results show that the most common discipline problems in the classroom in the English education study program were students who were talking with friends, no attention to the lesson, and lateness. The strategies that can be applied to cope with the student discipline challenges were preventive, supportive, and corrective disciplines. The lecturers and students should cooperate to improve the quality in maintaining the classroom discipline by creating a conducive classroom. The lecturers need to apply the right and appropriate method so that the material is more interesting. punishment can also be applied in the classroom in order to minimize disciplinary problem behavior in the learning process. The students must have a high awareness of discipline. Students are required to be able to think critically in distinguishing behavior that is appropriate and inappropriate to do, especially in the classroom when learning is in progress.

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