The correlation between students’ perception of driving suggestopedia principles and students’ vocabulary mastery

Assyifa Dwi Prabawati, Ag Bambang Setiyadi, Flora Flora


The objective of this research was to investigate whether there is any significant correlation between the students’ perception of suggestopedia principles and students’ vocabulary mastery. The population of this research was the first- and second-year students of SMP N 7 Metro in the academic year of 2021/2022. There are 60 students who were selected as research samples by using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire and vocabulary mastery test. This research applied the correlation study of ex facto design in which the results were analyzed by using SPSS. The result showed that there is any significant correlation between the students’ perception of suggestopedia principles and students’ vocabulary mastery since the coefficient correlation is 0.618 at the significant level of 0.01 and the coefficient correlation was higher than the critical value of r table (0.618>0.325). It means that the null hypothesis was rejected and the research hypothesis was accepted. It could be concluded that the principles of suggestopedia in teaching vocabulary can accelerate students’ memorization ability, make students enjoy and relax in teaching based on suggestopedia principles.

Keywords: Suggestopedia, Perception, Vocabulary



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