Integrating Content-Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in teaching speaking for young learners
The objective of this research is to find out whether there was any significant improvement in A1 students’ speaking skills after integrating the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) method in their speaking class. This study also aims to know the students’ perceptions of the implementation of CLIL. The subjects of the research were taken from two A1 classes in an English Course by employing simple random sampling. Using both quantitative and qualitative designs, this study used a speaking test and a set of questionnaires to gather the data. Besides, the researcher also conducted an interview session during the implementation of CLIL in the class. After analyzing the data using Repeated Measure T-test, the result shows that there was an improvement in the students’ speaking after they were being taught through CLIL. The students’ mean score increased from 53.56 on the Pre-test to 64.44 on the Post-test. Moreover, based on the result of the questionnaire and the interview, the students gave positive responses regarding the utilization of CLIL in learning speaking. They stated that they were interested to study using CLIL as it could motivate them to be active in the class and it also could help them to understand the lesson more. Hence, it can be concluded that the use of CLIL in the A1 class can give a positive impact on the students’ speaking skill.
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