The use of Instagram as media to improve student's writing achievement in Descriptive texts

Pipit Nurjanah, Muhammad Sukirlan, Ramlan Ginting Suka


This research aimed to find out whether or not there is any significant improvement in students’ writing descriptive text after using Instagram and which aspect of writing improves the most after they are taught by using Instagram. The sample of the research were 26 students, and the population is class VIII at SMPN. This research was quantitative. One group of pre-test and post-test designs was used in this research. The instruments used in this research were writing test. The collected data were analyzed statistically through a Paired Samples T-test. The result of the research showed that the mean score of pre-tests is 55.77 and the post-test is 70.12. The results of t-value (15.179) is higher than t-table (2.0595) and the value of two-tailed significance is 0.000 < 0.05. It showed that the hypothesis is accepted that is, there is a significant improvement of students’ writing achievement after the use of Instagram. The result also shows that the most improving aspect of writing is language use with the mean score of pre-tests is 10.90 and the mean score of post-tests is 16.42. The improvement of the language use is 5.52 with the percentage is 38%. On the other hand, the lowest improvement aspect of writing is mechanics. It showed that the mean score of pre-tests is 2.12 and the mean score of post-tests is 3.02. The gain is 0.90 with the percentage is 6 %. The results indicate that 1.) There was a significant improvement in their writing achievement after being taught by using Instagram. 2.) Language use has a significant increase because this aspect has a higher score of 38% compared to other aspects.. Based on the result, it is concluded that there was a significant improvement in their writing achievement after being taught by using Instagram.

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