A correlative study between students’ listening habit with English songs and their vocabulary mastery at SMAN 16 Bandar Lampung

Katline Balerina, Tuntun Sinaga, Novita Nurdiana


This research was intended to find out whether there is any significant correlation between students’ listening habit with English songs and their vocabulary mastery. This research was quantitative, and the design was ex-post facto design; so, there was no treatment in this research. The population of this research was the second grade students of SMAN 16 Bandar Lampung. 30 students of XI Science 1 were taken as samples through the use of cluster random sampling. A listening habit with English song questionnaire and a vocabulary test were used to obtain the data. Moreover, the data was analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation in SPPS 20.0. The result of analysis showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between students’ listening habit with English songs and their vocabulary mastery since the r-value (0.770) was higher than the r-table (0.361). It means that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. This indicates that the more students listen to English songs, the higher their vocabulary score. Moreover, for those who are used to listen to English songs, it is likely to be easier for them to comprehend what they hear. As a conclusion, the habit of listening with English songs helps the development of vocabulary mastery.

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