Improving students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text through think-pair-share technique at SMPN 5 Bandar Lampung

Shiane Salsabila, Feni Munifatullah, Gede Eka Putrawan


The aims of this research were to investigate whether there was an improvement of students’ reading comprehension after the implementation of Think-Pair-Share technique and to reveal the aspect of reading that improved the most after being taught through Think-Pair-Share. The sample of this research was VII G on Junior High School. This research applied a quantitave approach which used reading test. The first result of the research showed that there was a significant effect on students’ reading score in a descriptive text since t-ratio > t-table (11.468 > 1.984). The average of posttest score (70.56) was higher than the pretest score (59.43). It gained 11.13. In addition, the most increased aspect of reading skills was reference since the percentage was 65% (highest than other aspects). Briefly, it could be concluded that Think-Pair-Share technique enabled to improve the students’ achievements in comprehending descriptive text and showed positive impact to students toward the use of the technique in teaching process.

Keywords: think-pair-share, reading comprehension, descriptive text

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