The comparison between field-dependent and field-independent students in reading comprehension achievement at the first grade of SMAN 3 Kotabumi

Aisyah Wahyuningtyas, Ujang Suparman, Tuntun Sinaga


This research was intended to compare the reading comprehension achievement between field-dependent and field-independent students. The objective of this research was to find out the difference between field-dependent and field-independent students in reading comprehension achievement at SMAN 3 Kotabumi in 2020/2021 academic year. In order to achieve the research objective, 33 samples of first grade students were chosen. This research applied quantitative method for data collection and analysis. Questionnaire was used to categorize the students into field-dependent and field-independent group. Further, reading comprehension test was conducted for testing the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The result of this research showed that there was difference between field-dependent and field-independent students. It was confirmed by the difference of reading comprehension test mean score between two groups. The researcher found that the mean score of field-dependent students was 45.67, while the mean score of field-independent students was 82.85. Since the gap of mean score of reading comprehension test was quite a lot, it can be indicated that field-independent students was better than field-dependent students in reading comprehension achievement.

Keywords: Cognitive style, field-dependent, field-independent, reading comprehension achievement

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