An analysis of classroom interaction in speaking class

Eka Lestari, Hery Yufrizal, Gita Hilmi Prakoso




The purpose of this study is to find out the dominant category used by the teacher and the student during classroom interaction and to investigate which task that require the student to talk more. The study used a qualitative approach which included a case study. Naturalistic observation and encoding matrix were used to obtain the data. The data were examined using the FIACS (Flanders Interaction Analysis Category System) approach proposed by Flanders (1970) frameworks for forms of classroom interaction. The data demonstrated that both the teacher and the students used all of the FIACS system of interaction categories. The result of this study revealed that the dominant category applied by the teacher was Ask Question with the percentage 18.03% in the first meeting and 20.15% in the second meeting. In the other hand the dominant category used by students in the first and second meeting was Students-Talk Initiation with the percentage 38.52% and 49.71%. In addition, the classroom interaction is dominantly made by the students in the second meeting supported by discussion task. The percentage of Students Talk in the second meeting was 59.68%.

Keyword: classroom interaction, FIACS (Flanders Interaction Analysis Category System), speaking class

doi: 10.23960/UJET.v11.i3.202201

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