Student's perception of the TOEFL preparation course proposal team

Novita Nurdiana, Gede Eka Putrawan, Rafista Deviyanti, Khairun Nisa


The purpose of this research is to explore students'' perceptions about the TOEFL preparation class that has been held by the Language Center of the University of Lampung within a year, which later the results of this research can be used as material for future evaluations towards achieving better quality. This research is a type of qualitative research. In addition, observations and questionnaires will also be distributed to support interviews so that the data obtained are more valid. The subjects in this study were 11 students from various faculties who took the TOEFL class preparation course. Qualitative data related to student perceptions will be analyzed manually based on Descriptive and In-Vivo coding. As a result, from what the participants knew about the TOEFL class is they know it very well. The facilities provided are still lacking, the material provided was well packaged and quite easy to understand, the method used was still too simple and unattractive, the study schedule could be better arranged and learning could start on time. In this study, there were 5 students from various faculties who were involved as participants. Each of the students and students were interviewed. The questions asked cover several topics, namely what they know about the TOEFL class at the Lampung University language lab, the facilities provided, the material being taught, the teaching techniques used and the time management applied.

Keyword: TOEFL preparation, course, student’s perception


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