Aspects of writing and its correlation with students’ reading habit of the eleventh grade in SMAN 1 Natar

Galih Aisha Oktiasti Isella, Ari Nurweni, Lilis Sholihah


This research was intended to investigate what aspect of writing has the highest correlation with students’ reading habit. This research is quantitative using ex-post facto design. The study was conducted on 28 students of the eleventh grade in SMAN 1 Natar. Research instruments included reading habit questionnaire and writing test. This research used scoring rubric for writing test which covered five aspects of writing; content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanic. The data were in form of scores taken from questionnaire and writing test. Moreover, the score of each aspect of writing was analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis in SPSS 20.0 along with the score of reading habit to get the correlation between two variables. The result of analysis showed that the coefficient correlation between content aspect and reading habit was determined to be 0.514. Thus, it was implied that content aspect has the highest correlation with reading habit among the five aspects of writing.


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