Task-based language teaching to improve students’ speaking achievement

Nurulina Hakim, Mahpul Mahpul, Fajar Riyantika


The objectives of this research were to investigate a significant improvement in students’ speaking achievement in term of complexity, accuracy and fluency aspect after the implementation of TBLT approach. The topic of the material that this research took was Narrative text in an online class. This research was conducted at the tenth grade of SMA Global Madani, Bandar Lampung. Class 10 Science 2 consisted of 15 students was chosen as the sample of this research by random sampling. The design used was the one group pre-test post-test. Speaking test was the instrument to measure the pre-test and post-test. The mean of pre-test (58) showed an increase in post-test (64). The results of the t-value (8,235) is higher than the t-table score (2.1315) with the significant of two tailed 0,000 lower than 0.05. This means H1 is accepted.

doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.23960/UJET.v10.i2.202105

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