The Use Of News Item On YouTube To Improve Students' Speaking Ability At Grade XII Of SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung

Annisa Azzahra, Mahpul Mahpul, Fajar Riyantika


In learning speaking, the students of Senior High School should be able to speak English appropriately. In the real condition, some students of Senior High School found difficulties in speaking English that is caused of some factors. One of the factors was how the teacher delivered the material. The materials were given by the teachers were not interesting. To make them interested and wanted to share their feelings in speaking English, the researcher used news item video as the media in the process of teaching and learning English. The research was intended to find out statistically significant improvement of the students’ speaking ability after they got treatment by using news item video. The subjects of the research were 27 students at SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung. There were three raters who assessed students’ speaking ability. The data were collected through speaking test (pretest and posttest). The paired simple t-test was used to analyze the data collected from both the pretest and posttest. The result showed that the news item video had statistically significant improvement on the students speaking ability with the significant level 0.05. This suggest that the news item video facilitates students to improve their ability of speaking.

Keywords: Speaking, news item video, news item text, YouTube.



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