The implementation of riddle game in teaching vocabulary at the first year of junior high school

Nurhasanah Sasmalia, Sudirman Sudirman, Burhanuddin Burhanuddin


Abstract: The purposes of this research were to find out significant improvement of students’ vocabulary achievement and students’ responses through the implementation of the Riddle Game technique. This research was conducted in the first year of SMP IT Bustanul ‘Ulum in 2019/2020 academic year. The sample of this research was class VII F which consisted of 24 students. The researcher started the class by giving the pre-test. In the following meeting, the researcher gave three meetings of treatments. The posttest and the questioner were given in the last meeting. The researcher used T1 x T2 as the design and analyzed the data by using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The result showed that: first, there was a significant improvement in students’ vocabulary achievement after the implementation of Riddle Game. It could be seen from their means score of the pretest was 63,125 and the mean score of the posttest was 81,25 higher than the pretest score. Furthermore, the result also saw that the increase of the noun was 6,4 while the verb was 5,3, adjective 2,8, and adverb 3,3. Thus, the improvement of the noun was higher than four types of content words. The second result was indicated Riddle Game could be a fresh strategy, which can attract the students’ interest in learning English vocabulary. It showed from out of 24 students, 22 students have a positive response with a percentage of 94.7%. Even 5.3% of students have negative responses; they got a significant score in the pretest. This result proves the Riddle Game technique could be an effective way to help the students’ vocabulary achievement.


Keywords: vocabulary, Riddle Game, achievement, response.


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