A comparative study between teaching vocabulary using total physical response and direct method: the case of the first grade of SMPN 2 Marga Sekampung

Oktavia Rahmawati, Bambang Setiyadi, Ramlan Ginting Suka


The aims of this research were to find out a significant difference of achievements in mastering vocabulary of students who are taught by using Total Physical Response and those who are taught by using Direct Method, to find out which word types of vocabulary improve the most after being taught through Total Physical Response and To find out which word types of vocabulary improve the most after being taught through Direct Method. This research was a quantitative research design. The subjects of this research were the first grade of SMPN 2 Marga Sekampung. The instruments of this research were vocabulary tests. The data were analyzed by using independent samples t-test. The result showed that: first, there was a statistically significant difference of achievements in mastering vocabulary of students who are taught by using Total Physical Response and those who are taught by using Direct Method. Second, the type of content words which improved the most after being taught through total physical response is verb. Third, the type of content words which improved the most after being taught through direct method is verb type.

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