The comparative study of reading comprehension achievement between students with extrovert and introvert personality at SMAN 1 Bandarlampung

Rainy Altinci Tockary, Ujang Suparman, Rafista Deviyanti


Abstract.The objectives of this research is to find out whether there is any significant difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement between students with extrovert and introvert personality. The population of the research was the students of the first grade of SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung in the academic year 2019/2020 totally 287 students. The sample of this research was X MIA 2 consisting of 35 students.The result showed that there was difference between the mean score of extrovert students (78.2) and that introvert students (72.5). The researcher used 0.05 significant level in SPSS 16 to do the calculation. The result showed that the Sig. (2 - tailed) is 0.001 < 0.05. Due to the value of Sig. (2 tailed) is lower than 0.05, it means there is a significant difference between introvert students’ reading comprehension ability and extrovert students. Based on the result of the research, it is proved that the extrovert students have better result than introvert one in reading comprehension test. So, from this statement the researcher’s hypothesis (Hi) is accepted.

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