Comparative study of students’ writing achievement using Roundtable and STAD techniques

Mia Septiani, Cucu Sutarsyah, Ujang Suparman


This research was aimed to compare the two language teaching techniques of writing, that is Roundtable and STAD techniques, and  to investigate the student’s appraisal after being taught through Roundtable technique, and to know the student’s appraisal after being taught through STAD technique. This research was conducted at the tenth grade of SMAN 1 Pringsewu in academic year 2019/2020 using two groups pretest posttest design. The data were collected using tests and questionnaire then analyzed using independent samples t-test and through descriptive analysis in SPSS ver. 20. The results show that: first, there is no significant difference of students’ writing achievement on descriptive text. Second, Roundtable technique helped students to learn writing of descriptive text through the activities, the material, and the teacher’s explanation during the learning process since this technique was well implemented regarding to its procedures. Third, STAD technique is effective to help students to write descriptive text through the teacher’s explanation, the activities, and the material in learning process. It provided evidence that STAD technique is well applied in the class regarding to its procedures.


Keywords: writing, descriptive text, roundtable, STAD, student appraisal

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