Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan kualitas soal tes akhir semester yang dibuat oleh guru di kelas X SOS 4. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan data yang diambil dari lembar jawaban siswa dan soal pilihan ganda menggunakan iteman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) validitas soal kurang baik, 2) reliabitas soal seimbang, yaitu 0.492 (3) tingkat kesukaran dari 16 bulir soal baik, 16 sangat sulit, 11 sulit, 1 mudah dan 1 sangat mudah, (4) daya beda pada soal dari 10 bulir soal berkategori tinggi, 5 pada tingkat rata-rata, 2 rendah, dan 28 perlu diganti, (5) kualitas bulir soal dari 95 harus diganti, 113 baik, dan 17 alternatif sangat baik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kulialitas soal tes adalah seimbang.
The objectives of this research were to determine the quality of final test at X SOS 4 class. This research applied qualitative descriptive approach which data were taken from the students’ answer sheet and the multiple choice question by using iteman. The result of the research showed that (1) The validity of the test was not proper enough to used, (2) The reliability was sufficient, that is 0.492, (3) The level of difficulty consisted of 16 test items considered good, 16 very difficult, 11 difficult, 1 easy and 1 items very easy, (4) The discrimination power of the test items consisted of 10 high, 5 average, 2 low, and 28 need dropping, (5) The qualities of the alternatives consisted of should be dropped, 113 as good distractors, and 17 as very good distractors. It can be concluded that the quality of the test items was moderate.
Keywords : evaluating, validity, reliability, level of difficulty, discrimination power
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