The Effect of Schemata Activation Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Extrovert and Introvert Students at The Third Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Tumijajar West Tulang Bawang

Wijayati Wijayati, Cucu Sutarsyah, Ujang Suparman


Penelitian ini menganalisis perbedaan yang signifikan pada aspek membaca siswa ekstrovert dan introvert  dengan menggunakan schemata activation strategy. Penelitian ini menggunakan  pretes and postes grup desain.  Ada 32 siswa sebagai sampel penelitian yang dibagi menjadi kelompok ekstrovert dan introvert. Data penelitian ini adalah tes reading dan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara siswa ekstrovert yang diajar menggunakan schemata activation strategy dengan thitung 10,22 > ttabel  = 2,04; (2) ada perbedaan yang signifikan siswa introvert yang diajar menggunakan schemata activation strategy dengan thitung 7,76> ttabel  = 2,04; (3) dan,  ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara siswa ekstrovert dan introvert yang diajar menggunakan schemata activation strategy dengan thitung 2,09> ttabel  = 2,04.

This research investigated the significant difference on students’ reading comprehension of extrovert and introvert students who were taught by schemata activation strategy. The research used one group pretest posttest design. There were 32 students  as the sample of the research whcih were divided into extroverts and introverts (E = 16, I = 16). The data were elicited through reading test and questionnaire of personality.The results of the research  showed that (1) there is significant different of  the students’ reading comprehension of extrovert students who were taught by schemata activation strategy with tcount 10.22 >ttabel  = 2.04; (2) there is significant difference on the students’ reading comprehension of introvert students who were taught by schemata activation strategy with tcount 7.76 >ttabel  = 2.04; (3) and, there is significant difference on the students’ reading comprehension  of extrovert students and introvert students who were taught by schemata activation strategy with tcount 2.09 >ttabel  = 2.04.

Keywords: Extrovert, introvert, reading comprehension, schemata activation strategy.

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