Promoting Students' Reading Comprehension Through Explicit Reading Strategies

Widiyaningsih Widiyaningsih, Hery Yufrizal, Tuntun Sinaga


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui aspek membaca apakah yang paling dipengaruhi oleh pembelajaran strategi membaca secara eksplisit and persepsi siswa tentang strategi tersebut. Desain penelitian ini adalah desain kelompok control pre-test post –test dua kelas; eksperimen dan kontrol. Instrumen pada  penelitian ini berupa tes membaca dan kuesioner. Validitas instrumen diukur menggunakan validitas isi dan konstruk dan reliabilitas instrumen diukur menggunakan iteman. Subjek penelitian yaitu 2 kelas XI di SMA. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa dari 5 aspek membaca, tertinggi adalah aspek menentukan ide pokok dan terendah aspek memahami kosakata. Akhirnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran strategi membaca secara eksplisit dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan membaca siswa.

This research was conducted to find out which aspect of reading comprehension was influenced most by explicit reading strategy instruction and to know the students’ perception about it. The design of this research was pre-test post-test control group design with two classes; experimental and control class. The instruments were reading test and questionnaire. This research used content and construct validity. To measure the reliability of the instrument, iteman was used. The subjects were two classes of eleventh year students of senior high school. The results of the data analysis showed that from five aspects of reading comprehension, determining main idea became the most improved aspect; in contrary understanding vocabulary became the least improved aspect. Then, concerning students’ perception towards explicit reading strategy instruction, the result showed that most of students perceived positively that explicit reading strategy instruction could improve their reading comprehension. Finally, it could be concluded that explicit reading strategies could affect the students’ reading comprehension.

Keywords: Explicit reading strategies, implicit reading strategies, reading comprehension.






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